Karen Petry is Senior Researcher and Deputy Head of the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies at the German Sport University Cologne, Germany. She is UNESCO Co-Chairholder in Sport for Development, Peace and Environment in a Multidisciplinary and Global Perspective. Karen is responsible for the research activities in national, European and international sport policy, sport and gender, and sport for development. She has worked on numerous European and international projects and has (co-) edited around 25 books as well as (co-) authored around 150 articles.
Louis Moustakas is Professor of Sports Management and Sports Sociology at the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein, Austria. He serves on the editorial board of the International Journal of the Sociology of Leisure. Louis’ work is significantly influenced by extensive practical and policy experience, including stints within various national sports organisations and sport-related NGOs. He is Secretary General of the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE) and in this role he has worked on numerous pan-European projects and served on various political committees, including working groups associated with the European Commission and Council of Europe.