Greg William Misiaszek is Assistant Professor at Beijing Normal University’s Faculty of Education in the Instuste of Educational Theories, and Associate Director, Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA. He is Editor of Freire in Focus book series and is currently editing Encyclopaedia of Environmental Education. His books include Freire and Environmentalism: Ecopedagogy (2023), Ecopedagogy: Critical Environmental Teaching for Planetary Justice and Global Sustainable Development (2020), and Educating the Global Environmental Citizen: Understanding Ecopedagogy in Local and Global Contexts (2018).
Lauren Ila Misiaszek is Associate Professor at the Institute of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China. She is immediate past Secretary General of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies, a past Associate Director of the Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA, and Fellow and Founding Member of the International Network on Gender, Social Justice and Praxis.