Li-Ting Chen is Associate Professor of Quantitative Methods and Learning Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno. She teaches courses on research methods, educational measurement and statistics, and instructional design. Her research focuses on online teaching and learning, effect size estimation and reporting, and single-case research methodology.
Leping Liu is Professor of Information Technology and Statistics, University of Nevada, Reno. Her research focuses on developing and validating static and dynamic models for technology integration, instructional design, online teaching and learning, and evaluation and assessment. She also initiated and examined the model and methods to conduct data-driven dynamic assessment in technology-based learning.
Karen Pugh is Doctoral Candidate in Information Technology in Education, University of Nevada, Reno. She is the internal evaluator with the Nevada GEAR UP program, Nevada Department of Education, analyzing and reporting for over 12,000 middle and high school students throughout the state. Her research interests are in instructional video production and distribution for K-12 as well as adult education.