Véronique Decaix is Associate Professor at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne (GRAMATA, UMR SPHERE-7219) and Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. Her research focus is metaphysics and psychology during the Middle Ages, more precisely on intentionality in cognitive processes such as sensation, memory, dream and intellection. She has recently published a monograph on Dietrich of Freiberg (2021), and co-edited two volumes, Active Cognition (2020) and Memory and Recollection in the Aristotelian Tradition (2021).
Katerina Ierodiakonou is Professor of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Athens and at the University of Geneva. She has published extensively on ancient and Byzantine philosophy, especially in the areas of epistemology and logic. She is currently working on a monograph about ancient theories of colour, as well as on an edition, translation and commentary of Theophrastus’ De sensibus and of Michael Psellos’ paraphrase of Aristotle’s De interpretation.