Marián Cao is an Art Therapist and Professor of Art Education and Art Therapy at the University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. She teaches and lectures in Spain and internationally. Founder director of the Arts Therapy Masters’ programme at University Complutense of Madrid, and former director of the Ph.D. programme on Art, Art Therapy and Social Inclusion, she has coordinated several Latinoamerican University programmes.
Richard Hougham is a Principal Lecturer at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London, where he is course leader for the MA Drama and Movement Therapy programme. He is currently Chair of the Executive Board of the European Consortium for Arts Therapies Education (ECArTE) and has a particular interest in intercultural dialogues and epistemology in the international teaching of arts therapies.
Sarah Scoble is Honorary President of ECArTE. She served on the Executive Board of ECArTE for many years and was Chair from 2009 to 2017. Founder trainer in southwest UK in Dramatherapy and former director of Masters in Dramatherapy programmes, University of Exeter, she is Series Editor with Diane Waller for an annual International Research in the Arts Therapies publication with Routledge, in association with ECArTE and the International Centre for Research in Arts Therapies (ICRA).