Pavan Kumar Malreddy specializes in 20th and 21st century comparative Anglophone literatures & cultures with a regional focus on East Asia, Africa, and South Asia and with a thematic focus on conflicts, communal bonds, insurgencies, populism, public life and migrancy. He co-edits Kairos: A Journal of Critical Symposium; his recent books include several co-edited volumes and the forthcoming monograph Insurgent Cultures: World Literatures and Violence from the Global South (2024).
Frank Schulze-Engler was Professor of New Anglophone Literatures and Cultures at the Institute of English and American Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt and retired in 2023. His research and publications focus on African, Asian, Caribbean, Pacific and indigenous literatures and cultures, comparative perspectives on anglophone literatures in English, Indian Ocean Studies, ’postcolonial’ Europe, postcolonial theory, and transculturality in a world of globalized modernity.