Lawrence K. Wang has over 30 years of experience in facility design, environmental sustainability, natural resources, resources recovery, global pollution control, construction, plant operation, and management. He has expertise in water supply, air pollution control, solid waste disposal, water resources, waste treatment, and hazardous waste management. He is a retired dean/director/VP of the Lenox Institute of Water Technology, Krofta Engineering Corporation, and Zorex Corporation, respectively, in the USA. Dr. Wang is the author of over 700 papers and 45 books, and is credited with 24 U.S. patents and 5 foreign patents. He received his BSCE from National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, ROC, his two MS degrees from the Missouri University of Science and Technology and the University of Rhode Island, USA, and his PhD degree from Rutgers University, USA. Currently he is the Chief Series Editor of the Advances in Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment series (CRC Press of Taylor & Francis Group) and the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series (Springer).
Mu-Hao Sung Wang has been an engineer, an editor and a professor serving private firms, governments, and universities in the USA and Taiwan for over 25 years. She is a licensed Professional Engineer, and a Diplomate of American Academy of Environmental Engineers. Her publications have been in the areas of water quality, modeling, environmental sustainability, waste management, NPDES, flotation, and analytical methods. Dr. Wang is the author of over 50 publications and an inventor of 14 US and foreign patents. She received her BSCE from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, ROC, her MSCE from the University of Rhode Island, USA, and her PhD from Rutgers University, USA. She is the Co-Series Editor of the Handbook of Environmental Engineering series (Springer), and a member of AWWA, WEF and OCEESA.
J. Paul Chen is a professor of Environmental Science and Engineering in the National University of Singapore. His research interests are physicochemical treatment of water and wastewater and modeling. He has published more than 80 journal papers and book chapters with citation of above 1000 and H-index of 18. He has received various honors and awards, including Guest Professor of the Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology, and Shandong University of China, and Distinguished Overseas Chinese Young Scholar of National Natural Science Foundation of China. He is recognized as an Author of highly cited papers (Chemistry and Engineering) of ISI Web of Knowledge. Dr Chen received his ME degree from the Tsinghua University of Beijing and his PhD degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology of Atlanta, Georgia.
Yung-Tse Hung has been a professor of civil engineering at Cleveland State University since 1981. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and has taught at 16 universities in 8 countries. His research interests and publications have been involved with biological processes, and industrial waste treatment. Dr. Hung is credited with over 470 publications and presentations on water and wastewater treatment. He received his BSCE and MSCE from National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, and his PhD from the University of Texas at Austin, USA. He is the editor of International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, International Journal of Environmental Engineering, and International Journal of Environmental Engineering Science.