Paulo Teixeira da Cruz, BS in Civil Engineering from Mackenzie University School of Engineering (1957); holds both a Masters from MIT and a PhD degree in Geotechnical engineering from University of São Paulo - where he has worked for over 40 years. His first work with dams was in the historical Três Marias Dam and in the past 50 years of his professional life he has worked on countless dams all over Brazil. Mr. Cruz was in the board of consultants for the Campos Novos Dam and since the 80’s he has been rendering his expertise as an independent consultant. He is the author of 100 Brazilian Dams - history cases, material, construction, and design (1996) in which the ever so evident Brazilian know-how in dams’ design and construction is consolidated. Nowadays, Mr. Cruz is the actual Vice-President of the CFRD International Society.
Bayardo Materón, Civil Engineer graduate from Cauca University, Popayán, Colombia (1960), he holds a MSc degree in Civil Engineering from Purdue University, Indiana, USA (1965). He works as a consulting engineer in the field of rockfill dams and hydro power construction methods. Since the completion of Alto Anchicayá CFRD in 1974, he has been involved with many leading engineering organizations on design and construction of rockfill dams and hydro projects. Member of several boards of consultants for different projects under construction, Mr. Materón is the actual President of the CFRD International Society. He has participated in the design and construction of the world’s highest CFRDs such as Alto Anchicayá, Salvajina, Porce III, Ranchería (Colombia); Foz do Areia, Xingó, Segredo, Itá, Itapebi, Machadinho, Campos Novos, Barra Grande (Brazil); Aguamilpa, El Cajón, La Yesca, La Parota (Mexico); Antamina, Torata, Olmos (Peru); Caracoles, Punta Negra (Argentina); Messochora (Greece); Kannaviou (Cyprus); Bakún (Malaysia); Mohale (Lesotho, Africa); Tiangshenqiao 1 (China); Merowe (Sudan); Berg River, Braamhoek (South Africa); Santa Juana, Puclaro, Punilla, Ancoa, Carén (Chile); Kárahnjúkar (Iceland); and Siah Bishe (Iran).
Manoel de Souza Freitas Jr., BS in Civil Engineering (1969), from São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, Brazil. Since 1970 has participated in several dams project designs and construction activities in water supply and hydroelectric power generation as a geotechnical engineer. Nowadays, he is an independent consultant for several construction companies and a consultant for the World Bank and Inter American Bank in hydro projects in Brazil. Mr. Freitas has participated in the Tianshengqiao 1 Project (1,200 MW, P. R. China) as a Chief Engineer and Manager, and has been working as an independent consultant for several large CFRDs such as Barra Grande, Campos Novos, and Mazar (Republic of Ecuador).