Towards a Critical White Theology is a landmark text bringing together contributions from scholars and practitioners, Black/Postcolonial theologians and critical White theologians, from the UK, the USA and New Zealand, exposing the dynamics of whiteness in the history and the present of the Christian church, and setting an agenda for the future, especially for White-racialised theologians committed to dismantling whiteness. With sections addressing whiteness in relation to the Bible, church history, education and mission, congregational life, the contemporary USA, and public theology, this book tracks the emerging of a new theological discipline of Critical White Theology, that consciously follows in the wake of the long-established discipline of Black liberation theology. It acknowledges that so much that has passed for ’theology’ over the centuries has been White Theology without naming it as such, and reaches out to its Black and Postcolonial theologian siblings in repentant, receptive humility and hopeful solidarity for a future liberated from the toxic sin of racism. The chapters in this book were originally published in Practical Theology and Black Theology.