Billy Collins’ childhood on Portland Isle, Dorset, is a tapestry of idyllic moments, albeit cast against the ominous backdrop of World War II. His life takes a dramatic turn following the tragedy of Operation Tiger, leading to his forced evacuation to the isolated Yorkshire moors. Here, he spends the remainder of the war in the company of a taciturn government official, far removed from the world he knew.
At the age of 18, imbued with a sense of duty, Billy joins the Royal Engineers, embarking on a career as a bomb disposal officer. After years of service, filled with brushes with danger and meticulous snipping of wires, Billy decides it’s time to retire. However, fate has a twist in store; his final assignment takes him back to Portland Isle. Confronting his past and the fears that have shadowed him, Billy stands on the precipice of full-circle closure. This poignant tale weaves the threads of memory, duty, and destiny into a narrative that captures the essence of a life lived in the shadow of war.