Create the wonderful life you deserve - the one that fulfils your passion, purpose and potential.
Choosing your options is the first step on the ladder to your best future. Discover inside how to confidently experience that first step:
Take the quiz to nail down your passion.
Follow the steps laid out to find your purpose.
Unleash your potential - where your passion and purpose meet.
Expand your mind to the limitless possibilities ahead.
Use the career compass designed to narrow down your choices to the right ones for you.
In this easy-to-read guide and using its exercises you’ll find techniques and strategies that will set you off on the path to your personal success.
I Am Choosing My Options is what every student needs to succeed in identifying the options that are right for them. Using the hints and tips gives you a heads-up when facing the choices laid out before you.
Together, let’s give you control to get you started on the course to your very own wonderful life.