Ben Hawke lives a double life. One as a big, tough, private investigator, the other one as The Seventeenth Earl of Somerton, heading a vast estate in Lancashire.
Ben sets up his detective agency after a brain injury forces him to retire from being a Commander in the Royal Navy, where he led a Special Operations Unit.
He and his colleagues at his private investigator firm based in Morecambe, on the Lancashire Coast, take on cases ranging from tackling a strange gang of Nigerian kidnappers to taking on an evil cult of drug-crazy villains who murder a student from Manchester University.
There are many exciting adventures for Ben, his sidekick Ian, and the gorgeous Pat, who is the third member of the team. Ben also falls in love with the daughter of a famous rockstar - at Aintree Racecourse where his horse is the bookies’ favourite to win the fabulous Grand National steeplechase!