25-year-old Fae finds herself spending Christmas alone, contemplating her struggles with depression and bipolar disorder and how these battles have prised her family apart. She decided to seize her own demons and uprooted her life to Ljianstipol, a place where she spent a lot of her teenage years in an experimental mental healthcare facility.
With determination, courage, and a thrust for a ’normal’ life, not only is she now living in Ljianstipol but also working at the same mental healthcare facility, the hotel Davizioso, However, life is not always so straight forward, and problems arise when asked to document her experiences for a magazine article this only rekindles issues, she has spent years evading.
In the midst of a depression and anxiety attack she is befriended by a mysterious passing stranger, who shows Fae that there is a world of friendship, acceptance, hope and just a little bit of magic all waiting for her, even if Fae has lived her Life Downside Up.