Set in 1971, The Z Affair follows the story of Philip Trent, an ex-soldier turned government agent, working for an organization known as the ’Outfit’, tasked with rooting out insurrection against the United Kingdom. In a time of anarchy and unrest, stirred up by unseen forces, Trent returns from West Berlin with crucial information about a plot targeting the U.K.
Assigned to uncover the instigators of the conspiracy, Trent embarks on a perilous mission, aided by his lady friend and courtesan, Camille. Their quest takes them from the streets of London and Birmingham to the allure of Paris and the mystery of a secluded island off the Welsh coast.
As Trent becomes entangled in the intricate web of deceit threatening to destroy the United Kingdom, his efforts to thwart the plot come at a great personal cost. Thrust into a whirlwind of violence, intrigue, romance, and treachery, Trent must navigate the murky waters of espionage while unravelling the threads of the conspiracy.
The story reaches its climax in a fierce battle in the English Shires and a daring assassination attempt, testing Trent’s resolve and the strength of his allegiances.
While set half a century ago, The Z Affair, a gripping spy thriller infused with romance, explores themes that resonate with modern audiences, making it a timeless and thought-provoking read.