In the town of Woking, a story of motherhood unfolds. At its core is Lucy, a fifteen-year-old girl labeled by society as a lost cause, a soul grappling with deep troubles, overshadowed by her mother’s battle with depression and alcoholism. Under constant scrutiny from social services, Lucy and her half-sister strive to find stability in their fractured world. However, Lucy’s world takes an unexpected twist when she becomes pregnant at the age of fifteen. This newfound circumstance casts a glaring spotlight on their family, fuelling suspicions of Lucy’s involvement with a South Asian gang. As a result, both the police and social services hone in on Lucy’s case, their attention now undivided. As her world collides with that of determined social worker Milly and Detective Sergeant David, a gripping tale of love, betrayal, and redemption unfolds. A compelling narrative that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Motherhood is a work of fiction that delves into the issue of child sexual exploitation in England, drawing inspiration from real-life cases involving South Asian gangs and the exploitation of young girls. Originally published in Bangla as Matritto in Bangladesh, the book has gained popularity and critical acclaim.