A few years from now the United Kingdom has broken up, the monarchy abolished, and English society is dominated by the universities, new centres of power in the land, a power as great as the medieval Church and suppressing heresy against the new woke creed as zealously as Stalin’s secret police, dissenters banished to gulags, to protect the public from dangerous hateful influences. Suitability for university education is not determined by academic prowess, rather by knowledge of and adherence with the new creed of flexible genders and intersectional categories. Almost every occupation, from waste disposal operatives to cleaners, has been made into a graduate profession, excluding those deemed Educationally Unsuitable from almost all legitimate jobs. An attempt to ban jingoistic and militarist Remembrance Day commemoration sparks revolt among those excluded from university education and employment for lack of sympathy with the new ethos, leading to a populist right-wing insurrection, restoration of the monarchy and purging bastions of the old regime’s power, the universities.