An invitation to embrace your True Colours and begin your journey of healing and enlightenment.
Designed as both a tool for yoga teachers and a daily guided mindfulness practice, True Colours offers readers the opportunity to set an Intention, engage with a Reflection, and journal about their experience, celebrating the beauty of their True Colours. Drawn from the author’s own experiences of growth and transformation, each offering is both personal and universal, highlighting our connectedness with all living beings.
By creating and holding sacred space for internal work, these intentions and reflections encourage you to look at the parts of yourself that need healing and care, showing up without shame or judgement. Celebrate every day with a grateful heart. Cultivate your connection to social justice. Re-discover the value of stillness and self-love, and the power of each individual’s energy to change the world.
A passionate offering of love, light, and reflection, Your True Colours: Intentions and Reflections to Deepen Self-Awareness offers a pathway to heightened spirituality, a greater sense of self-worth, and a joyful life.