In 1976, John Rager, the newly arrived Indian Affairs Grayson District commerce officer lives alone in a rooming house with a deep secret. He soon discovers that many other people within the agency have secrets.
What changes everything is the arrival of a Catholic nun’s letter sent to the Ontario Indian Affairs regional director general and copied to the district manager that outlines the horrors in one of the district fly-in villages - and the destructive role of Indian Affairs.
How Rager formulates a plan with the help of the now ex-Catholic nun, Marie Brunelle, to reveal these secrets, constitutes the story of a man’s struggle to seek redemption and bring justice to a long neglected and forgotten people.
Money Boss is set within the vast region of northwestern Ontario above the rail line - a region of lakes, rivers, creeks, and bogs within the green of the coniferous forest, bush, and eskers - it is one of the most remote and isolated regions of Canada.