My Mommy’s a Soldier is a heartwarming and informative story for young children, designed to help them understand and navigate life with a parent serving in the military. Perfect for kids aged up to grade 4, this book answers the many questions children may have when their mommy is deployed, such as:
- Why does Mommy have to leave?
- Is it dangerous? Will Mommy be safe?
- What does Mommy do on deployment?
- Is Mommy lonely?
- How will our family cope while Mommy is away?
- When will Mommy come home?
With engaging illustrations and a reassuring tone, this story celebrates the bravery of soldiers and the strength of military families. It provides comfort to children by showing that their feelings are valid and that their mommy’s work is important and impactful.
Ideal for:
- Military families navigating deployments
- Schools teaching about the armed forces and military life
- Building understanding and empathy among peers
Not just for military families, My Mommy’s a Soldier is also a valuable educational resource, offering a glimpse into the sacrifices and dedication of those who serve and their families.