Meet such different people within these twelve correlation stories, including...
Tribute To Silence:
A betrayed wife who follows her suspicions wherever they lead; the unproved husband knows the hopeful look and has no intention of conforming - until fate hands out the ultimate alternative
Beside The Seaside:
After winter whiteness, Grandma and Grandpa decide to treat the grandchildren to a weekend visit to Scarborough, but the expectancy of Maldives palette waters and sandcastles are blighted when they give a lift to a stranger
Blessing In Disguise:
An ex-sprinting champion decides to make a comeback, but getting back into shape has consequences enough to strain his credulity
The Prowess:
A woman of an uncertain age; a steely eyed woman, halts before number 23 - has she come home to roost? The answer has to be framed accordingly