After seeing some of the worst Humanity has to offer, Johnny rises to be a chef of the Elite, the predator class. In his privileged position, he learns of their horrific practices and their plan to depopulate the world. Part of him feels this would be a good thing, because of all he has suffered. Maybe this is his being saved from such a fate, and he can now enjoy a "better" world. Or is it his destiny to save the innocent and the guilty alike, by poisoning the evil people who enjoy his food? He has very little time to decide. Then he meets her, the stunning Latin beauty who sets his heart on fire, and his world is turned upside-down. With his first chance at fame and success in a delicate balance, he finds himself risking it all for love. A romantic psychological thriller from the author of the Icarus trilogy, the Heresy series, The Prince of Foxes, Saga of the Beverage Men, Navarre, Memoirs of a Swine, the art collection Variety is the Spice, and a cookbook of his acclaimed restaurant Sobremesa.