This continuation of the Blood of the Land series features tales from the history of the Llona and their interaction with the Land and the Eleysenes. A village character decides to write out things he has heard and seen over his long life even if they should have been kept secret. Mezo is old and going blind but before it was too late he needed to share some stories about people in Eleyse and their kin, the Llona. Those tales might not be completely true, or may be. Mezo often said that truth wasn’t always a good read and was prone to embellishing his work with things he thought should have always been in his tales to make them move along better. He was also a man who loved the deep amber ale of the local tavern as well as writing out what he knew and made up, the company of his good friends, and his tiny great grandniece. When Mezo retired he was content at first to sit outside the local tavern with his ale cup visiting with his friends. Read on and enjoy Mezo’s take on life and what it brings to us all, humans, Eleysenes, and Llona.