My nonfiction diaries may help answer the question is there a God? If there is a Supreme Being, what is His skywriting in the clouds of the heavens saying about His view of humans and this planet? Are we near The End of the world as we know it? My rote response is keep looking up as well as reading The Bible along with my narratives with heavenly visions in photos; that may help you decide what you to believe.This is the sixth nonfiction in a series of picture books or diaries. My photo journaling began in 2015 as a fluke. A friend sent me a few images of clouds; one had a misty 1991 imbedded in the sky view. Instinctively, my heart knew it related to my mother and The Afterlife; she left for Eternal Paradise that year. Soon after that vision, my head tilted upward more than down; and my cameras came out of hibernation. From June of 2015 through September, sweat poured from my body but not one thing obtained by my shutter lenses made any sense. Eventually, The Creator sent in the clouds that felt more meaningful, and the pictures prompted narratives as well as this series of nonfiction books. Author Biography: Variety is the spice of life. Maybe, that is why I have written over twenty-five, unique books. My preference is to write nonfiction sagas about the ’inspiration of’ and ’miracles in’ life. When the narratives are one-hundred percent honest, my author name is Cynthia Meyers-Hanson; it’s the same for children’s books. When a book is novel idea or fiction, my nom de plume, or Sydney S. Song.