Discover an age-old prophecy and unravel the intriguing secrets buried deep within an enigmatic land, ravaged by civil war, a woman faces an ominous ancient prophecy that holds secrets that threaten to change everything, in a world shrouded in mystery. Luna, a reluctant witch with a troubled past, finds herself caught in the midst of a brutal civil war that threatens to destroy everything she loves. Her path as the world’s final warrior of hope is one she never asked for, but fate has chosen her, nonetheless. As she battles against her own inner demons, Luna confronts a formidable foe: her own sister, leading a demonic army. Luna must make impossible choices that risk destroying her family and forever altering the course of history. As Luna takes hold of her destiny, she fights to rescue her sister from the raging inferno of a demonic war that sets kin against kin. Can she save her sister and bring peace to a world torn apart by demonic forces?