Shadow the ’The Phantom Guardians’ as they explore the mysterious world behind the seemingly ordinary façade of Locke and Keye Studios. Within this enigmatic setting, a diverse group of individuals, yet to realize their roles as Guardians, become increasingly aware of unknown forces manipulating humanity.
For one future Guardian, fear becomes palpable, and death lurks in the shadows as this unsuspecting individual navigates a reality beyond their senses. For two others, the captivating performances of a fire dancer and a mermaid are far more complex behind the scenes than their audience can imagine. And one hides in plain sight, a silent observer, always looking in from the outside, their keen eyes capturing the nuances that elude others.
Unaware of their shared destiny, each of The Phantom Guardians has unknowingly begun to weave themselves into an elaborate tapestry, a final defense separating humanity from the infectious horrors of the Phantom War.