An aspiring exploration of life in the early twentieth century, this debut novel from award-winning journalist Elyse Singleton follows two women from Mississippi as they travel to Philadelphia and then to battle-ravaged Europe during the height of World War II, all the while seeking out their rightful place in the world.
Since they were young girls, best friends Lilian Mayfield and Myraleen Chadham wanted to leave their rural hometown in the Deep South for a more adventurous life, believing Mississippi was just another form of hell. Finally able to leave at the age of 26, they first head to racially segregated Philadelphia before joining the Women’s Army Corps and traveling to a war-torn England. Throughout their decades-long journey—both together and apart—they uncover truths about life, love, and friendship.
Winner of the 2002 Colorado Book Award.
“Fully satisfying . . . A lovely story, lovingly told.”—The Washington Post
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“[A] smashing debut . . . Funny, smart, well-paced.”—The Denver Post