Matt 13:44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field." The Bible is the treasure map to discovering the redeposited Kingdom of God on Earth through Jesus Christ. We can spend a lifetime exploring the deeper labyrinths of God’s Word, as we mine the nuggets necessary to live life abundantly. But just like the worker in the field, it will cost us everything to pursue it. "Kingdom Nuggets For Mind Renewal" is a devotions-style book designed for just that purpose - to mine deeper truths from God’s Word which, when applied, can help us fulfill our combined temporal and eternal purpose. Join me on an expedition more far-reaching than a Sunday morning pew or a weekly checklist of religious disciplines. It’s truths like those found inside this book that can help renew your mind and truly set you free. Are you hungry for all that the Kingdom has for you? Then let’s dig in together!