This is a mystery-thriller with unexpected twist at the end. This story is not fictitious or a made up story. Many thoughts explained in this story are based on my friends’ real life experiences and many incidents are adapted from my own experiences to make the chapters connected each other so that it would help me to create a character mentioned in the story. Many thoughts are based on criticizing religions, superstitions in the world and existence of god. These thoughts are not influenced by any person, group or religion. Please do not consider this story as a mark of fundamentalism because I personally don’t belong to any religion. I believe Humanity as my religion and this is what I need to share as the moral of the story. I do not have any intention to provoke anybody; it’s just a process of sharing from my world of reality. I sincerely request you people to read the entire story before judging it. I apologize in advance if my story hurts your emotions or convictions.