Constantly changing and morphing into another organism, our Savior materializes and dematerializes right in front of our very eyes as our human condition changes. The names of God are limitless and their definitions outnumber the stars in the sky! God’s love for us is ruthless. As I contemplate the transformation of Jesus from Spirit to Man back to Spirit, it blows my mind what He could have been thinking when God tapped Him on the shoulder and said, "You know I have to send you into the earth for that worthless lot of heathens don’t you? And you also know that You are going to have to suffer the worst death in human history right? And I know it’s a hard thing to hear, but it pleases Me that I am going to have to kill YOU so they can live! Now, take a peek into time from eternity so that You can see what this will look like! I believe at that moment of revelation the spirit of the Belligerent Christ was created...and this story is dedicated to those who HEAR and OBEY Him.