Who Do You Think You Are? helps parents, guidance counselors, and administrators get students thinking about—and interested in—their future careers. Success in college and beyond relies on thorough prior preparation; by identifying interests and passions early on, students are better able to plan for the career they want by mapping out the academic path to support it. This book shows you how to guide your students along on this journey, and how to stick with them until they reach the goals they’ve set. From helping them discover just what it is they’re interested in, to finding the institution that will help them flourish and setting out a clear "plan of attack," this book provides invaluable insight from an expert in student success.
No one expects every student to have a definitive life plan by high school graduation, but having some idea of direction is critical. Nearly 3.3 million students will graduate high school this year, and most will head straight to college—but less than 30 percent will complete a two-year degree within four years, and less than 60 percent will earn their bachelor’s within six years. Those who do succeed have done so because they’ve planned their work and worked their plans. This book shows you how to help your student be one of the success stories.
- Map out an academic plan to support the student’s field of interest
- Identify the best-fit institution to get them where they want to be
- Balance support and independence throughout your student’s journey
- Help your student be prepared for college so they can succeed far beyond
Adults know that success in life comes from plenty of hard work and thorough preparation—but for your students, that lesson is just now beginning to hit home. Who Do You Think You Are? helps you guide them through the transition successfully, so they can come out the other side exactly where they want to be.