Dr. Cheng Siong Chin is a professional mechanical engineer with specialization in marine vehicle control systems design as well as the computer-aided engineering modeling and simulation of mechatronic systems. He worked in industry for seven years. In 2010, Dr. Chin joined Newcastle University for its BEng with honors programs in marine engineering as its first lecturer under the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). Dr. Chin is a member of the IET since 2001, a senior member of the IEEE since 2009, an elected executive member of the IET Control and Automation Network, and was the elected Honorary Auditor in the Singapore Branch of the IET in 2011. He is registered as a Chartered Engineer with the UK Engineering Council and as a European Engineer (EUR ING). Dr. Chin is a member of the editorial advisory board of The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control and the Journal of Marine Science: Research and Development. He has published 21 international journals, 10 conference publications, and three book chapters. Dr. Chin also has three U.S. patents and two trade secrets. He is certified in Six Sigma Green Belt and Design for Six Sigma (DFSS).
For more information, see Dr. Chin’s profile at Newcastle University.