’Chaucers Dream Poetry’ is the first volume to provide texts of all Chaucer’s four dream poems together with a full critical guide to the genre of dream poetry, and introductions to the individual poems. The texts have been newly edited by Helen Phillips and Nick Havely, who have previously produced major scholarly editions of two of the poems. This collection includes the Book of the Duchess, the House of Fame, the Parliament of Fowls, and the Prologue to the Legend of Good Women, and the Legend of Dido from the Legend of Good Women. The texts provide an indispensable guide to the poetic agenda that informs his other works, such as Troilusand Criseyde and the Canterbury Tales, and they are also profound explorations of subjects central to Chaucer’s thought such as love and transience, the experience of suffering (especially of women), and the role of the modern vernacular poet in relation to cultural tradition.