An Oxford graduate in Theology and formerly a secondary school teacher, I have been a Baptist minister for 20 years, first in a local pastorate and now as a theological teacher and Co-Principal of Northern Baptist College in Manchester, UK, part of the ecumenical Partnership for Theological Education. Besides teaching in the areas of theological reflection, children, and pastoral care, my other responsibilities include formation of prospective ministers and facilitation of learning in local churches. I have a long professional interest in the spiritual growth of children, for several years a member of the Consultative Group on Ministry among Children (CTBI). I have written study material published by NCEC including "Getting Across", and contributed chapters to other publications on children in the church. I jointly authored the original child protection guidleines published by the Baptist Union, ’Safe to Grow’, and have worked with survivors of abuse, overwhelmingly women. This led to further work on pastoral and theological issues around the silencing of women and girls, which helped shape my doctoral thesis on the spirituality and faith of girls around the time of puberty. I now chair a Working Group within the Baptist Union of Great Britain addressing resistance to women’s leadership, one consequence of which is the stifling of girls’ aspirations.