Learning to Plan Modern Languages Lessons contains a wealth of guidance and ideas for those learning to teach in the secondary school. Drawing on extensive experience and research in the field, it offers detailed explanation of basic lesson planning methods and the principles that underpin them, illustrated by worked examples of well-planned lessons.
The book shows how to progress from planning smaller activities to full lessons to sequences of lessons, and how to ensure progression for your students. Specific aspects of language learning such as grammar and culture are explored together with ideas for how to make your planning skills more effective in the long-term through collaborative and reflective practice. Starting from a presentation, practice, production (PPP) model of language teaching, the book aims to:
- provide structured, practical starting points in lesson planning for beginning teachers of modern languages (ML);
- deepen knowledge and understanding of ML as a subject and how it is learnt (pedagogical subject knowledge), in order to inform and support planning decisions;
- develop understanding of lesson planning as part of a planning cycle;
- develop understanding of strategies and professional development opportunities to promote the further development of planning abilities;
Including reflective/discussion tasks and example lesson plans Learning to Plan Modern Language Lessons is a must-read book for beginning, new and experienced teachers of any modern language.