Our understanding of the aging process is changing. As people in developed countries live longer lives through improved diet and better medical care, so a range of research methods has evolved that allows a more nuanced understanding of how we develop psychological and neurologically. Allied to this is an increasing concern with the idea of well-being, a concept which places cognitive performance and development within a more socially grounded context.
The Handbook of Gerotological Research Methods is an ideal introduction for all students and researchers with an interest in this growing field. The book is designed as a primer that provides not only an overview of key areas of interest, but an understanding of the most important research challenges and issues. Written by a unique collection of international scholars, the book addresses both typical and atypical aging, highlighting hot topics such as dementia, exercise, nutrition, stress, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Each chapter concludes with a series of practical tips on how to undertake successful research in this area.
Designed for both students and researchers interested in the psychology of aging, but also highly relevant for students or researchers in related fields such as health psychology and social care, the Handbook of Gerontological Research Methods is the first book to provide both a concise overview of key topics in this growing field of study, but also an accessible and practical understanding of how researchers in the field are developing and honing our knowledge. It is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand more about the psychology of aging.