2010年的夏天,攝影師Brandon Stanton立志以「人物攝影」為民族大熔爐──紐約市做人口普查。揹上相機,這趟不凡的旅程便從他的足下開始。
Stanton穿梭在紐約大街小巷、地鐵巴士間,以一己之力真實記錄街頭不同種族、膚色、年紀與文化背景的紐約客,他將每天捕捉的畫面,上傳至「Humans of New York」部落格及臉書粉絲團,並為每張照片留下有趣且深刻的引言、對話或趣聞軼事,豐富的圖文內容讓人目不暇給,每幅作品就像短篇小說般耐人尋味,目前全球已逾百萬人關注「Humans of New York」攝影計畫。
這本《Humans of New York》便是延伸部落格的概念,由Stanton精選四百張彩色照片,其中穿插許多首次曝光的肖像照,及從未言說的故事,忠實呈現紐約多元城市個性與時代精神。(文/博客來編譯)
Based on the blog with more than a million loyal fans, a beautiful, heartfelt, funny, and inspiring collection of photographs and stories capturing the spirit of a city
In the summer of 2010, photographer Brandon Stanton set out on an ambitious project: to single-handedly create a photographic census of New York City. Armed with his camera, he began crisscrossing the city, covering thousands of miles on foot, all in an attempt to capture New Yorkers and their stories. The result of these efforts was a vibrant blog he called "Humans of New York," in which his photos were featured alongside quotes and anecdotes.
The blog has steadily grown, now boasting more than a million devoted followers. Humans of New York is the book inspired by the blog. With four hundred color photos, including exclusive portraits and all-new stories, Humans of New York is a stunning collection of images that showcases the outsized personalities of New York.
Surprising and moving, printed in a beautiful full-color, hardbound edition, Humans of New York is a celebration of individuality and a tribute to the spirit of the city.
With 400 full-color photos and a distinctive vellum jacket