紐約時報暢銷著作 Renegades 續集
Gatlon 市犯罪事件層出不窮,儼然失序,Nova 與 Adrian 的信念逐漸動搖,他們開始懷疑,自己心中的正義真的是正義嗎?
身為 Renegades 的一份子,Nova 受過完善的訓練,說她是具有超能力且備受愛戴的超級英雄,絕對當之無愧。她和 Adrian 一起濟弱扶貧,維持 Gatlon 市的治安與和諧。
同時,她亦是 Anarchist 的一員。Anarchist 是一群力圖要毀掉 Renegades 的惡棍,為了要報 Renegades 棄 Nova 不顧的一箭之仇,Nova 毅然決然加入 Anarchist。
然而,Nova 對 Adrian 的感情越來越深。諷刺的是,Adrian 正是她不共戴天的敵人的兒子。除此之外,Adrian 也有一個暗藏危機、無人知曉的秘密。
Nova 和 Adrian 發現,這個世界不再是非善即惡,而他們的超能力,強大到有可能讓這世界非生即滅。(文 / 博客來編譯)
The Renegades Trilogy continues, in this fiercely awaited second installment after the New York Times-bestselling Renegades by Marissa Meyer, author of the Lunar Chronicles.
Time is running out.
Together, they can save the world.
But they each other’s worst nightmare.
Nova’s double life is about to get a lot more complicated:
As Insomnia, she is a full-fledged member of the Renegades, a syndicate of powerful and beloved superheroes. She works with Adrian’s patrol unit to protect the weak and maintain order in Gatlon City.
As Nightmare, she is an Anarchist - a group of of villains who are determined to destroy the Renegades. Nova wants vengeance against the so-called heroes who once failed her when she needed them most.
But as Nova, her feelings for Adrian are deepening, despite the fact that he is the son of her sworn enemies and, unbeknownst to Nova, he has some dangerous secrets of his own.
In this second installment of the Renegades trilogy, Nova, Adrian, and the rest of their crew – Ruby, Oscar, and Danna -- are faced with escalating crime in Gatlon City, while covert weapons and conflicting missions have Nova and Adrian questioning not only their beliefs about justice, but also the feelings they have for each other.
The line between good and evil has been blurred, but what’s clear to them both is that too much power could mean the end of their city – and the world – as they know it.