由奇幻大師吉勒摩•戴托羅與Daniel Kraus合作創作一起結合驚悚與淒美的心碎愛情故事
Amazing movie publicity!
A rave New York Times review
Wired article about the making of the creature
Review from The Guardian
Amazing review from The New Yorker
Two features from People.com:
Exclusive scene of Octavia Spencer and
Doug Jones profile
Forbes.com rave "Del Toro's Best American Movie"
US Weekly movie review
Newsweek article on the movie's themes
Many features by the LA Times, including this article on the characters
NPR interviews Guillermo Del Toro
Wall Street Journal rave review
Incredible review from USA Today
Entertainment Weekly LOVES the movie
Variety review
A haunting, heartbreaking love story set in Cold-War era America.
Developed from the ground up as a bold two-tiered release—one story interpreted by two artists in the independent mediums of literature and film—The Shape of Water is unlike anything you’ve ever read or seen.
With beautiful, black and white illustrations throughout.
Now to be published in C-format TPB!
To learn more about the movie, visit the Fox Searchlight website: www.foxsearchlight.com/theshapeofwater/