★超人氣席捲全球《麗池的異想世界》暢銷作者 Liz Climo 最新作品
《辛普森家庭》動畫師、推特插畫家—麗池克萊姆(Liz Climo),憑藉幽默無厘頭的創作,在IG圈粉近97萬人。她以可愛簡潔的筆觸、令人噴飯的對白,描繪樹懶、小豬、大熊、鴕鳥、浣熊與河馬等各種動物的日常,大受粉絲歡迎。
這本 You're Loved 捕捉充滿愛、振奮人心,且搞笑真實的可愛動物育兒場景,歡慶孩子成長的里程碑,也向經歷每一場勝利、每一次挫折、每一個晚安吻和每一個不眠之夜的父母和照顧者致敬。
《You're Loved》裡寶寶哭著要奶喝、第一次起步走、努力嘗試大大小小挑戰的片段,都能讓親子重溫充滿驚喜與笑聲的旅程,也能因書中逗趣內容會心一笑。適合送給迎接新成員的家庭,也是開啟一段全新冒險或嶄新一天讀者的最佳獻禮。
From international bestselling author Liz Climo comes You’re Loved, a funny and heartfelt picture book about new babies and the joys of growing up.
You’re brand new, and you’re perfectYou’re demanding, but you’re worth it.Loving, uplifting, and hilariously honest, You’re Loved is a celebration of the milestones of childhood and a tribute to the parents and caregivers who are there for every win, every fall, every goodnight kiss, and every sleepless night. With her trademark sense of humor, Liz Climo (creator of the beloved comic series The Little World of Liz Climo) pairs her adorable art with pitch perfect, gentle rhymes, making this a warm welcome gift for any new addition to the family. You’re Loved celebrates all kinds of families, is inclusive of adoptive families, and can be the perfect gift for baby showers, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day, Valentine’s Day, birthdays, or any day you want to say, "I love you."