This is a fabulous book, elegantly printed, large format (Size: 8.50" x 11") containing hundreds upon hundreds of photos in color, and rare/vintage illustrations, sketches, maps and pictures. It includes: Armenia’s Early Frescoes. The Urartu era. Ancient Greco-Armenian frescoes and mosaic. Garni Temple. Armenia’s early Christian frescoes and figurative arts. Frescoes of medieval Armenia. Chronology and historical perspective of early Christian frescoes. 6th century and 7th century frescoes and murals. Between 921 and 930 A.D. Between 1,220 and 1,236 A.D. In the 14th century. Arrival of the Crusaders. In the 17th century and the 18th century. Frescoes from the Theodosia era to the 18th century. Armenia’s Modern and Contemporary Frescoes and Murals.