●New In Business Boxes added to chapters throughout the book.
●All chapters have additional Concept Check questions based on a review of the LearnSmart heat maps.
●Chapter 7 added new text and an exhibit to help students better understand how and why a master budget is created and how Microsoft Excel can be used to create a financial planning model that answers “what-if” questions. Added two new end-of-chapter exercises that enable students to use Microsoft Excel to answer “what-if” questions.
Peter C. Brewer
現職:Lecturer,Wake Forest University
Ray H. Garrison
現職:Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University
Eric W. Noreen
現職:Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
Prologue: Managerial Accounting: An Overview
Ch 1 Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts
Ch 2 Job-Order Costing
Ch 3 Activity-Based Costing
Ch 4 Process Costing
Ch 5 Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships
Ch 6 Variable Costing and Segment Reporting: Tools for Management
Ch 7 Master Budgeting
Ch 8 Flexible Budgets, Standard Costs, and Variance Analysis
Ch 9 Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations
Ch10 Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision Making
Ch11 Capital Budgeting Decisions
Ch12 Statement of Cash Flows
Ch13 Financial Statement Analysis