"I seem to be spending a lot of time here lately. It’s like an escape to me; a safe place to watch the world turn under a watercolour sky. I saw an airship take off yesterday. It was raining and the sun glittered off it like scales on a fish. You just can’t appreciate Remeton from the ground; you can see so much from up here. The sunset view is beautiful; it almost makes the pain worth it. Sometimes I wish I could forget; put it behind me and go back to the way things were before. I can’t; I don’t know how. It scares me." Adolescence follows five close friends and their families through a tough period during their mid-teen years. The city of Remeton may be different in many ways to the world that we’ve become used to, but people, when it comes down to the basics, are all the same. We laugh; we cry; we get angry. But we are always stronger together. Adolescence tackles some sensitive topics.