Ron G Holland - Top Biz Guru, author of international bestsellers, with over 40 years of business experience tells you in simple English what network marketing is, how to quickly distinguish a good opportunity from a bad one, and how to protect yourself. Moreover, Ron also gives you a recommendation of what he thinks a brilliant business to be in is, which he established after 30 years of dealing with various network companies, including the really big ones. The books answers many questions, including: 1. What exactly is Pyramid selling? 2. So what’s Network Marketing? 3. Network Marketing vs. Pyramid Selling - how to tell the good from the fake! 4. What do big corporations, governments, the military and religious organizations have in common? 5. Why is network marketing so powerful? 6. A Business of your Own, but not on Your Own 7. Rules, Regulations and Fair Trading 8. How to tell a genuine opportunity from a fake on