We did something the English call ’gap year’ trying to get the best out of it with a long travel around the world. Travelling was something unavoidable, an enriching experience in the life’s process of becoming grown-ups. We left home for five months with an open ’round the world’ flight ticket, two backpacks each and reservation only for the first night in Mumbai. It was not to be holiday everyday but a long searching for accomodations, connections and sites, and we were going to be rovers carrying everything we had on our shoulders. Six jumps around the world going eastbound, choosing India as first jump, and Thailand as second. Leaving Asia’s exotic appeal, New Zealand was a coming back to western society, while Chile became our door to South America. Argentina a gigantic, past land. Buenos Aires, Iguazù, Salta, Cafayate, San Juan: twenty two days of north between enormous waters and almost desert, vineyards, coloured mountains, condors, foxes, toucans and the strongest scent of almost Europe.