The message of this book is presented to reveal the different aspects of spiritual warfare engaged in the spiritual realm since the day man disobeyed God in the Garden. For many Christians, spiritual warfare begins and ends with the "pulling down of strongholds" or the wrestling with "principalities and wickedness in high places", but has little to do with the restoration of man into fellowship with his Creator. Doubtlessly, the pulling down and wrestling is good, yet it has little or nothing to do with the restoration warfare. Whilst the pulling down and the wrestling are external, the restoration and fellowship with God is internal, having to do with the individual struggle with Mr. Flesh and Sin. As Mr. Flesh is "put to bed" in our lives through the working of the Holy Spirit we are able to walk in the spirit and not fulfil the works of the Flesh. This is the good fight that Paul fought and won. Inevitably, it is the fight all Christians must aspire to fight and win. Hence this book.