Surveys indicate that most Christians feel disempowered. Wrong (dualistic) thinking, which separates the whole of life into ’spiritual’ and ’secular’, and creates a division within the Church between those in ’full‐time’ ministry and those who are not, has robbed many believers of the joy of knowing their life can make a difference. The purpose of this book is to help give every Christian believer the realization that they have a special, God-given role and place in the fulfillment of God’s Story and the Great Commission. Our life‐story fits into God’s bigger story (HIStory). Our mission and purpose in life, fits within his global mission and purpose. God is calling us today towards the consummation of his story and his mission. This task is not just for church workers or overseas missionaries. Whatever your vocation in life, you have a destiny to fulfill and a unique contribution to make. With practical tools and study questions.