The Japanese acknowledge that Dr Osamu Shimomura is their most influential post-war economist but his works and his "economic model of Japan" with its key modification of the Keynesian investment-saving equilibrium condition to create an exploding economy, seems to be virtually unknown in the economics departments of Western universities. This book traces the timeline of the development of Investment Credit Creation economics - the economics understanding which has produced explosive economic growth - from its apparent beginning in FDR’s USA during 1938-44 through the adoption of almost identical measures in post war Japan, with the active involvement of Dr Osamu Shimomura, and then the transfer of that new system to post-rapprochement China after 1972. In the view of the author, the Tokyo Consensus nations - China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - are using and continue to use the mindset of Shimomuran Economics to achieve great economic advantages and the West now needs to learn what part of Asia knows.