A logical, step-by-step approach to complex problem-solving
Using simple, straightforward examples to present complex mathematical concepts, Introduction to Management Science gives students a strong foundation in how to logically approach decision-making problems. Sample problems are used liberally throughout the text to facilitate the learning process and demonstrate different quantitative techniques. Management Science presents modeling techniques that are used extensively in the business world and provides a useful framework for problem-solving that students can apply in the workplace.
● Sections on Business Analytics (Chapter 1), Project Risk (Chapter 8), and Data Mining (Chapter 15) have been added to this edition.
● Problems and Cases - A substantial number of homework questions, problems, and cases are offered for students to practice. The 12th edition includes more than 840 homework problems, 45 of which are new, and 69 end-of-chapter cases, 5 of which are new.
● More than 140 new Excel spreadsheet screenshots for Excel 2013 are included in this edition. Most of these screenshots include reference callout boxes that describe the solution steps within the spreadsheet. Files that include all the Excel spreadsheet model solutions for the examples in the text (data files) are included on the Companion Website and can be easily downloaded by the student to determine how the spreadsheet was set up and the solution derived, and to use as templates to work homework problems.
Bernard W. Taylor III
現職:Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Ch 1 Management Science
Ch 2 Linear Programming: Model Formulation and Graphical Solution
Ch 3 Linear Programming: Computer Solution and Sensitivity Analysis
Ch 4 Linear Programming: Modeling Examples
Ch 5 Integer Programming
Ch 6 Transportation, Transshipment, and Assignment Problems
Ch 7 Network Flow Models
Ch 8 Project Management
Ch 9 Multicriteria Decision Making
Ch10 Nonlinear Programming
Ch11 Probability and Statistics
Ch12 Decision Analysis
Ch13 Queuing Analysis
Ch14 Simulation
Ch15 Forecasting
Ch16 Inventory Management
Appendix A: Normal and Chi-Square Tables
Appendix B: Setting Up and Editing a Spreadsheet Site Modules
Appendix C: The Poisson and Exponential Distribution