This book deals with many biblical subjects that are tied together around one theme-our inheritance in Jesus Christ. My subject is history and my teacher is the Lord; together, I have been able to pull from many sources to illuminate passages of the bible that will leave every reader with a greater understanding of God’s word and how that word affects their life. Did you know that the original Ten Commandments were made out of blue sapphires? They were, and this fact is backed with scriptures to prove it. Do you know why Paul called the "love of money the root of all evil"? I explain why and how this truth finds its origins in the Garden of Eden. Do you want to know Satan’s true origins? One hint: he was not an angel named Lucifer. The bible is truth and this books brings to light many mysteries that had been shrouded in darkness for too long. Ultimately, this is a book about inheritance... and why it is so important to understand what exactly that is as this age draws to a close.