According to Wikipedia a mid life crisis effects about 10%% of the population and occurs at approximately the age of 46. It’s supposedly caused by a realization of one’s mortality, dissatisfaction with a career, maturation of children, or some regret over a life situation. For men it can last from 3 to 10 years and the American stereotype is that the afflicted buys a sports car. Radio Daze is a description of what might have been Bob’s mid-life crisis when he left a stable, secure career as a high school math teacher for a job in broadcasting. It details his experiences in radio (and a little TV) that started in college and then, after an 18-year break, continued until he was almost 50. Included are stories of good and bad bosses, eccentric and funny colleagues, strange business decisions, and the general chaos of being live on the air every day. While the specifics might be unique to Bob, the book makes it clear that broadcasting is a medium that attracts a very unusual group of people.